About Me!

Hey everyone! My name is Regan Earwood and I am a 20-year-old college sophomore from New Hampshire! I’m attending Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama studying Speech-Language Pathology with a minor in Religion. I love to sing, spend time with my friends, read, and as you may have guessed I love love love JESUS! And I can’t wait to talk about Him!

What’s this blog for anyways?

I am really just your average college student learning to navigate school, work, relationships, and life in general. But the reason I’m writing is to share with you all who my number one guide and comfort is through it all- JESUS! Jesus has changed my life and I continue to see him work every single today. I still have a lot to learn, but I wanted to create a space to share some of the things the Lord is teaching me, and I pray he will use this platform to encourage anyone who comes across my writings.