What is the Gospel???

Because all my articles on here will be based on the gospel, I thought I would make a section dedicated to explaining what it is in case it’s new to any of my readers!

First things first! Gospel means GOOD NEWS! And boy do I have some good news to share!

So the first key component of the gospel is The Creation. Even if you didn’t grow up in Church, you’re likely familiar with the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. God created the world and mankind and everything was perfect. God only had one rule for Adam and Eve- don’t eat the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden.

The next component is The Fall. Satan came in the form of a serpent and tempted Adam and Eve to do the one thing God told them not to do- eat the fruit. When Adam and Eve chose their own way instead of God’s, they sinned against him, and God’s once-perfect creation became corrupted with evil and brokenness. This is why the world is so messed up bad things happen. We are all born of this sinful nature, and because sin can’t exist in the presence of a perfect God, our fate is Hell (eternal separation from God).

However, God loved his people so much and didn’t want eternal life apart from them. This is the start of The Redemption. God sent himself down in his only son, Jesus. Jesus was born of a virgin, Mary, and lived a perfect life on earth which made him the only one able to atone for the sins of humankind. Jesus was crucified on the cross on our behalf and took the punishment we should’ve received for our sins. BUT three days later he rose from the grave!!! He proved that he was more powerful than sin and death! Nothing is greater than the Lord! Now, when we accept Jesus into our hearts and turn away from our sins and choose to follow him, God doesn’t see our sins, he just sees Jesus who already paid the price. Now anyone who accepts him can have eternal life with him in Heaven!! No matter who you are or what you’ve done, you are fully forgiven and unconditionally loved.

Finally, there is The Restoration. Jesus promises before he ascends back into heaven that he will return!! He will make Heaven and Earth one, bringing about The Kingdom of Heaven! All evil will be cast out for good and we will all live in a perfect world with God eternally.


No matter what hardships we are currently facing, if we accept Jesus we have hope for new life to come, and the one who conquered the grave on our side gives us strength and encouragement every day! Our call as Christians is to spread this message to everyone we can so that as many people as possible can come to experience God’s love for them.

One note is that when we accept Jesus, we aren’t going to live life perfectly or have a perfect life. Jesus died because we’re not perfect and he knows that we’ll fall short until he returns. But we need to keep turning our hearts back to God to let him do the work through us and grow us to be more like him over time.

This was my version of an overview of the best story in the universe, but if you want the real account read Matthew Mark Luke and John in the Bible!!!