Restore The Joy: Intro

Hey everyone!!

Glad you found Restore The Joy!!

I chose this name based on Psalm 51:10-12 which I’ve been praying this past semester. It says, “Create in me a pure heart o God and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me.”

Our world is full of stress, distractions, and disappointments. It’s easy to lose hope, even when we do have a strong relationship with the Lord. But the salvation Jesus provided us gives us access to joy even in the trials of this world. In those moments you might feel downcast, pray this Psalm out loud. Remember, the Lord will answer any prayer that aligns with His will and this is straight from his word. If you ask him to restore the joy of His salvation and grant you a willing spirit, HE WILL!

But what does “the joy of his salvation” mean? Does it mean as soon as I pray this prayer I’ll instantly smile and all my problems will be solved and I won’t be worried or upset about anything anymore? I mean I wish that could be true but that’s not how it works (not until Jesus returns that is). But what it does mean is that you can experience the hope that what Jesus did on the cross is bigger than any trial you’re currently facing. All your suffering and pain have already been overcome, your battles have already been won! If you’re in Christ Jesus your hardships will end some day soon and you will dwell in His house forever. THANK GOODNESS cuz this world is a wreck. But you know what is also sooo cool?? This eternal life starts the moment you accept Christ into your heart. So that means we get to experience his joy and goodness NOW! We wait expectantly for what’s to come, but the Lord is working right here right now in you and everything around you. Every good thing comes from him. With that perspective, there is so much to thank him for and we get to experience it forever! We need to ask him for a spirit willing to step into how He is advancing his kingdom on earth until it is fully restored.

So no, your troubles won’t vanish in a blink and it is ok to still feel upset sometimes. But because of the Lord, we can face this life with hope for new life to come and the reassurance that all things will be worked together for good. God will renew a steadfast spirit in us as we wait on him to restore this broken world. In the meantime, his Holy Spirit dwells in us so he can guide us every step of the way.

No matter what you’re going through, I pray you would know that the Lord sees you and hears you. His heart breaks for your suffering, but he doesn’t leave you there. He wants to love you and encourage you and give you the strength to persevere. Because a day is coming when he will wipe away every tear and complete our joy and he desperately wants YOU to say yes to him and be there when that day comes.



My Testimony!!